Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rules of Life - Finale

This is the 8th post, but I'm finally done with this book. I am currently reading Simplexity.

World Rules

93 Be aware of the damage you are doing
This one is about being green and also your carbon footprint. I am trying a little on this, but I think it is only for my own conscience. The amount of damage I know others are doing is unimaginable compared to the good I can do.
94 Be for the glory, not the degradation
Yes, I certainly hope so for myself. This rule is like choosing the angel and not the beast.
95 Be part of the solution, not the problem
More of the same.
96 Check what history would say about you
This one is interesting for me. I would probably be insignificant, but perhaps I leave a good comment in the history of Jubilee. That's all I ask for in life.
97 Keep your eyes open at all times
I just cannot remember this one.
98 Not everything can be green
This is to curb the green fanatics. This is just common sense, but it is often lost on many people in their religious favor. Just look at PETA now.
99 Put something back
Yes. Since we are taking stuff from mother nature, planet earth, do something positive as well.
100 Find a new Rule every day – or occasionally at least

Well, I don't think I'm a strict Rules player after reading the book. I do live by good principles I think. This is a book I would certainly recommend because it has many good things that I think are important, but written in a non-preachy manner. Sometimes in life, you just need affirmation like this that you are moving in the right direction.

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