Monday, September 12, 2011
Sermons now with tags
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Heart Warming Vision

Monday, May 09, 2011
My 2 cents on the election
The only point I wish to talk about is strategy. Of course hindsight is 20-20, but I just have these thoughts I had to express.
On the PAP side, they took a gamble and lost. I'm sure they had done their polls, and know that they were losing Aljunied before Nomination. That was the decision point. Should the PAP redeploy GY and give up Aljunied, or put up a fight but risk losing a core PAP leader? In the end, it was pride at work. There was no way for PAP to step away from the challenge, and that's the path they chose. It wasn't Aljunied who lost George Yeo, it was the PAP who voted against him.
On the WP side, it was a conservative shot, and hence the winnings was conservative. To be fair to them, it was courageous by historical standards and nobody who have been through the struggles through the decades would have dreamed any bigger. But it was conservative because Lim Swee Say and Raymond Lim was a low hanging fruit this time and that would not be the case next election. Mark my words, this would be a missed opportunity they will come to regret. Would they have overextended themselves by proclaiming similar ambitions for East Coast 2011?
On the NSP side, it is the opposite story. What's up with splitting the A-team from Reform? Jeanette+Nicole+Tony+Hazel would have routed MBT easily. Was it insecurity on Goh Meng Seng's side? Didn't he learn anything from WP while he was there? MBT was the pain for everyone, not George Yeo. If Goh Meng Seng had personally led the Reform-deserting A-team at Tampines, it would have been a real rejoicing for the opposition, and not this sour feeling everybody have, a victory tainted because the real culprit remains in office.
On Desmond Lim. I have no kind words to say.
Thursday, May 05, 2011
The Liturgical Arts in Worship
This is how I have divided the topics:
January: Liturgical Arts and Art Teamwork
February: Liturgical Arts and Church Dynamics
March: Liturgical Arts and Architecture
April: Liturgical Arts and Technology (I)
May: Liturgical Arts and Technology (II)
June: Liturgical Arts and Children Participation
My reflection so far is that the discussions and sharing had been really fruitful. I look forward to a proper restructuring of the Church Environment Committee and a fruitful synergy of all the artistic talents of Jubilee for the glory of God.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Touching Testimony about Cancer Survival
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Jubilee Sermon Series
2 Corinthians 哥林多后书
Malachi 玛拉基书
1 John 约翰一书
Esther 以斯帖记
I AM sayings in John (Advent 2009) 约翰福音的“我是”
Judges 士师记
Kingdom of God 上帝的国
Luke(Advent 2008)路加福音降临节
Ascent Psalms、上行诗
The Jesus Creed 耶稣信经
Daniel 但以理书
Chronicles 历代志
Hebrews 希伯来书
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
New Jubilee Church Website!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
由于要准备一个大筵席是一件又费时又费力的事,所以只有有财,有势,有面子的大户人家才办得成。因此一个大筵席能使主人的声望大增,有助于他在社会的地位,大筵席也令周围的人全都欠主人一个人情,可以想像一个人摆一场大筵席,就已经如此非同小可,如果神摆一个大筵席,其中的涵义又会是什么呢? 我们先来看以赛亚书25:6-9 6
在 这 山 上 , 万 军 之 耶 和 华 必 为 万 民 用 肥 甘 设 摆 筵 席 , 用 陈 酒 和 满 髓 的 肥 甘 , 并 澄 清 的 陈 酒 , 设 摆 筵 席 。7 他 又 必 在 这 山 上 除 灭 遮 盖 万 民 之 物 和 遮 蔽 万 国 蒙 脸 的 帕 子 。8 他 已 经 吞 灭 死 亡 直 到 永 远 。 主 耶 和 华 必 擦 去 各 人 脸 上 的 眼 泪 , 又 除 掉 普 天 下 他 百 姓 的 羞 辱 , 因 为 这 是 耶 和 华 说 的 。9 到 那 日 , 人 必 说 : 看 哪 , 这 是 我 们 的 神 ; 我 们 素 来 等 候 他 , 他 必 拯 救 我 们 。 这 是 耶 和 华 , 我 们 素 来 等 候 他 , 我 们 必 因 他 的 救 恩 欢 喜 快 乐 。
这个问题也就带出了今天讲题的第二点:面对耶稣的邀请,人有拒绝的自由。我们看到当筵席主人的仆人来邀请客人的时候,客人异口同声地推辞。一个说买了地,要去看看,一个说买了牛,要去试一试;一个说刚娶了妻,不能去。前两个请求准许推辞, 第三个连问都没有。他们的理由似乎很有道理,更有圣经根据。 我们翻开申命记20:5-7 5
官 长 也 要 对 百 姓 宣 告 说 : 谁 建 造 房 屋 , 尚 未 奉 献 , 他 可 以 回 家 去 , 恐 怕 他 阵 亡 , 别 人 去 奉 献 。6 谁 种 葡 萄 园 , 尚 未 用 所 结 的 果 子 , 他 可 以 回 家 去 , 恐 怕 他 阵 亡 , 别 人 去 用 。7 谁 聘 定 了 妻 , 尚 未 迎 娶 , 他 可 以 回 家 去 , 恐 怕 他 阵 亡 , 别 人 去 娶 。
对于人的拒绝,百般的藉口,神是什么反应呢?从比喻里我们看到,主人非常愤怒。主人不容许筵席因为这些客人的藉口而停止。他做出了绝妙的应对。这也就是今天的第三点。主人更换了筵席的客人。他吩咐仆人到城里大街小巷,领那贫穷的,残废的,瞎眼的,瘸腿的来出席筵席。如果我们以所了解的犹太人传统来看,这些人根本都不配出席筵席。犹太人把贫穷的,残废的,瞎眼的,瘸腿的当作是不洁净,是不受祝福的,根本不可能和城里有钱有势的同桌吃饭或过团体生活。在犹太人的观念里,他们是被认为与上帝的平安隔绝的,在天国的大筵席里,自然没有他们的份。可是耶稣的比喻却扭转了众人的观念,因为客人的缺席,筵席的主人却把这些没有身份的人都请了进来。主人更叫仆人去到路上和篱笆那里,勉强人进来坐满他的屋子。这第三批人可能是形容路上的乞丐,也可能是没有地方住宿的客旅。在法利赛人的眼中,这些外邦人与上帝的天国更没有关系,哪里知道筵席的主人为了填满屋子,把这些人也都叫了进来。主人的举动意味着什么?意味着神末世的祝福也要临到这些社会边缘的人,被社会拒绝的人,甚至要临到外邦人。这也就应验马太福音8:11。 11
我 又 告 诉 你 们 , 从 东 从 西 , 将 有 许 多 人 来 , 在 天 国 里 与 亚 伯 拉 罕 、 以 撒 、 雅 各 一 同 坐 席 ;
我们同心祷告: 我们在天上的父,我们满心感谢你,因为你已经预备了那末世的大筵席,是何等丰盛、何等华丽!你也已经差下你的爱子来邀请我们,父啊,赐我们一颗谦卑的心,让我们虚心的接受,能够永享你的和好与祝福。阿们。
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
施洗约翰完成了他的使命吗?完成了!“耶稣受了洗,立刻从水中上来;忽然,天为他开了,他看见神的灵,好像鸽子降下来,落在他身上;又有声音从天上来,说:“这是我的爱子,我所喜悦的。” (太3:16-17)当施洗约翰见证这事件后,“约翰又作见证说:“我曾看见圣灵,好像鸽子从天上降下来,停留在他的身上。我本来不认识他,但那差我来用水施洗的对我说:‘你看见圣灵降下来,停留在谁身上,谁就是用圣灵施洗的。’我看见了,就作见证说:‘这就是神的儿子。’” (约1:32-34)
Thursday, February 17, 2011
What is your worth?
Answer: 29 silver or less.King John is firstly described as a man who does great harm and little good. He has heard that the bishop (or abbot) of Canterbury is running a very efficient household. On visiting Canterbury, he demands an answer to three questions: -
45A.23 ‘First,’ quoth the king, ’Tell mee in this stead,
With the crowne of gold vpon my head,
Amongst my nobilitye, with ioy and much mirth,
Within one pennye what I am worth.’
45A.24 Quoth the shepard, To make your grace noe offence,
I thinke you are worth nine and twenty pence;
For our Lord Iesus, that bought vs all,
For thirty pence was sold into thrall
Amongst the cursed Iewes, as I to you doe showe;
But I know Christ was one penye better then you.
45A.25 Then the king laught, and swore by St Andrew
He was not thought to bee of such a small value.
This excerpt comes from the ballad King John and the Bishop.
From Wikipedia:
a. How long do I travel in a day?
b. How much money am I worth?
c. what am I thinking?
The bishop of Canterbury replies that these are hard questions. It will take him three days to find some replies. If he fails to arrive at the rights answers, King John will then execute the bishop. On his travels, the bishop meets a shepherd (or his own brother), and explains his dilemma. The shepherd says, "Lend me your clothes, I will deliver the correct answers for you". The disguised shepherd then meets King John. His answers are:
a. You rise in the morning with the sun. It travels all round in the sky till the following morning, when it is back where it started. That's how far you travel.
b. Judas sold Christ for thirty pieces of silver. You are worth almost as much as Christ. You are worth 29 pieces of silver.
c. You are thinking I am the bishop of Canterbury. In fact I am a shepherd in disguise.
FFoB 21: 30 pieces of silver coins for Jesus is only mentioned in Matthew. It is likely a reference to Zechariah 11:12 or Exodus 21:32. In Exodus, it is the price of a slave. In Zechariah, it is a sarcastic dismissal of a "considerable amount of money".
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Noonan on Young vs Old
"And youth trumps age. Egypt is a young nation, median age 24, with high youth unemployment. All revolutions, in the end, are about the young versus the old, because the young are driven by hope and the old by experience. The men who massed in Tahrir Square the first week looked to be aged roughly 16 to 35. A few days into the revolution, I received an email from a friend just back from Cairo. He told me, he'd seen a young man run out of his suburban Cairo house. He was off to the demonstrations, to take part in history. Running after him was his grandmother, who literally grabbed him by the ear and tried to drag him back inside.
The young want revolution and progress, the old are inclined toward stability and peace. The grandmother was probably thinking, "I want you safe." The young man might have been thinking, "I want my freedom." The old are certain that happiness cannot be found in politics, that life is deeper and more mysterious than that. The young believe that happiness cannot be found without freedom, that freedom cannot be won without a fight, and that the fight is political. The old of Egypt will likely think the young have no idea what they're unleashing. The young think the old have no idea what they accepted—the limits, the oppression. "Anything is better than that," the young say. "We'll see," reply the old."
What I like about Noonan's expression is that it is wise and balanced. With the use of a story linking to a conversation, the discussion comes alive. Very clever way of presentation.
Monday, February 14, 2011
James Fallows on Obama's SOTU speech
Notable quotes:
RE: What comes of this moment is up to us. What comes of this moment will be determined not by whether we can sit together tonight, but whether we can work together tomorrow.
Fallow says: "One of the actual “ideas” of the speech, returned to with the RFK quote near the end. The future is unknown, outcomes both good and bad are possible, nothing is set by fate, etc. (then, later in the speech) As Robert Kennedy told us, “The future is not a gift. It is an achievement.” "
RE: an investment that will strengthen our security, protect our planet, and create countless new jobs for our people.
Fallow says "IMO, this is the way to sell these projects. Whether that will have any influence during the budget debates of the next two years...."
RE: In fact, to every young person listening tonight who’s contemplating their career choice: If you want to make a difference in the life of our nation; if you want to make a difference in the life of a child -- become a teacher. Your country needs you.
Fallow says "Nice idea"
RE: The idea of America endures. Our destiny remains our choice. And tonight, more than two centuries later, it’s because of our people that our future is hopeful, our journey goes forward, and the state of our union is strong
Fallow says: "Quite a remarkable penultimate paragraph! By federal law -- no, OK, just by custom -- Presidents must work in the line “The State of the Union is [some variant on ‘strong’]” as an important part of the speech. But it’s often right up at the top of the speech, or as the end of the introduction -- as a transition to the policy chat.
To have the whole speech serve as, in effect, the logical basis for concluding that the State of the Union is strong today -- that’s unusual, and supports the observation that there’s a stronger logical core to this speech than most."
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Monday, January 31, 2011
Belated New Year Resolutions and Year End Reflection
1. We did 3 sermon series. The first is Esther. It is bold because we opened a giant can of worms and tackled the LXX additions. We also took the importunity to address key issues about source criticism, biblical literalness and bible versions. In reflection, it was perhaps too bold. I'm not sure if it results in a few departures from Jubilee. On the other hand, perhaps there will never be a good time. There will always be some unwilling to be more open-minded.
The second series is Malachi. I think this one went really well. We addressed many common misconceptions about tithing and divorce and came out relatively unscathed.
The third sermon series is 2 Corinthians. I will do a detailed analysis of this series in a future post.
2. Ministry. I changed zones mid-year. It is now a tough job of remembering names and rebuilding relationships. Very tough.
Youth teachings-wise, I did a series on the 1 and 2 Samuel using the style in Justice with Michael Sandel. I think it was okay for a style that was very difficult to do. I also did 1 Corinthians. This one, I've done it many times. Score easily for this one.
Band has improved enough. I will be moving to the Chinese service in 2011 to strengthen that side.
Worship study group went very well. We have completed teamwork and hospitality. We will now move on to Art.
3. Family and Personal life. I think family life went really well last year. The kids have grown a lot and I think they have a good understanding with me. We had a wonderful holiday in HK. Personally though, I've slacked. I think I was exhausted from all the "developing" over the years, and really needed a year to just slow down and laze around. I felt that I have not achieved any personal milestone, but then again I don't think I had the energy and drive last year to complete one.
New Year resolutions 2010 review
1 &2. Reading - bombed; music - bombed. I've devoted everything to resting and ministry needs.
3. Monthly family day. Not too bad. But more because of my wife's efforts than mine.
4. Sermon one week in advance. I would say that this is true for more than 50%. I'll count that as an absolute success.
New Year Resolutions for 2011
1. Restart reading habit for both office and home. Music practice? Well, I really wish to do this.
2. Finish the Yale lectures I'm interested in.
3. Family wise, I will spend sometime everyday for reading and games. I think half hour a day.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Peggy Noonan on Obama's recent speech
These are the important points I think I should take note:
1. "The speech had a proper height. It was large-spirited and dealt with big things. It was adroit and without rancor. The president didn't mourn, he inspirited. It began to turn when Mr. Obama started to make things concrete. Vaporous talk of victims turned into specific facts about real human beings"
2. "Throughout Mr. Obama's career, he has critiqued America and its leadership from an outsider's stance, from that of an intellectual relatively new to public life. His sound was all faculty lounge. In this speech he celebrated America, and in celebrating it, he aligned himself more closely with the values the American people most justly celebrate in themselves—instinctive courage, idealism, willingness to take the initiative"
3. "Here, deftly, he addressed the destructive media debate that followed the tragedy. But he approached the subject with compassion and sympathy.... In saying this, the president took the air out of all the accusations and counteraccusations. By the end of the speech they were yesterday's story."
Thursday, January 13, 2011
FFoB20: True Appreciation of Psalm 23
This series of background explanations will be a real eye-opener for you: Enjoy.