Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Why didn't you vote?

Joshua was talking about acts of social justice. He mentioned family members who complained about government, yet they didn't vote. Well, here's a webcomic from Indexed explaining why.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

December is always a busy time for me and this year is especially bad. I have 6 consecutive weeks of sermons and I've only gone thru 3 so far. This on top of a baptism, a funeral, a sharing for women fellowship, a youth camp, a Christmas play, 3 cell groups etc. This blog is pretty much neglected. In the coming week, I will be doing my year end reflection on my resolutions. I'm so not looking forward to it. It seems this year moved especially fast. Nothing significant was done.


Thursday, December 02, 2010

Running out of Christmas topics

I preach the message for the annual Christmas gathering at the women's fellowship every year. I might have lost count, but this is at least the 5th or 6th year. Here in Jubilee, we celebrate Christmas according to the individual gospels (Matthew, Mark and John) on a tri-yearly cycle. But despite the distribution, I have covered most of the topics with the women's fellowship. I may have to decline for the following years. This is my decision making process on the Christmas topic for this year (from the gospel of Matthew).


Herod and Magi

Zechariah and Elizabeth
Shepherd and Angels

Word became flesh
"I AM" sayings