Wednesday, March 04, 2009

My idol: Anthony Thiselton

I just read this from Scot McKnight in Christianity Today.

"As I was reading The Hermeneutics of Doctrine a friend wrote me and said he had heard that Thiselton had died. I knew Tony had a stroke. Rosemary, his wife, wrote a short postscript to the Acknowledgments informing us that her husband "was devastated by a stroke." So I wrote to a friend at Nottingham, where I did my doctoral work and where Thiselton now teaches, and the friend told me that Thiselton had had a remarkable recovery and was now back at work. I am grateful and, Tony, I'm standing in line for your next dense book."

Phew! Anthony Thiselton is the absolute best in the field of hermeneutics. May the Lord keep his health well.

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