Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Cross as Critique of Triumphalism and of Premature Eschatological Glorying

Sermon on 1 Corinthians 4:6-21

Last week, I was looking for a book online. I happen to surf into some online forums in Amazon. They have forums on every type of book subjects, and these forum threads I happen to read are debates on religious issues. It is a discussion on the identity of Jesus and the truthfulness of the Bible. The participants of the forum include Christians, as well as atheists and Muslims. One of the main points of contention is this: who is Jesus really? And what is his significance? Most people do not doubt the real existence of Jesus. On the forum, atheist and Muslims respect Jesus as well as Christians. But what is generally claimed by the anti-Christianity opponents is that Paul has distorted the significance of Jesus, and he has exalted Jesus even beyond Jesus’ own claims. The bible is hence not truthful and believable, especially Paul’s letters. Upon my own reflection, it is indeed rather true that my own understanding of who is Jesus Christ and the significance of Jesus Christ is heavily influenced by the interpretation of Paul. Is Paul to be trusted? Can we accept his interpretation? What is the implication of following Paul's understanding of Jesus? These are questions which I hope to address today.

From the passage we have read, it appears that Paul has opponents not only in the online threads of modern day internet forums. His opponents are present in the Corinthian Church as well. These opponents in the Corinthian Church, just like the modern day opponents, have their own interpretation of Jesus and Jesus' significance. Needless to say, their interpretation differ widely from Paul's own understanding. Because of their different understanding, it also directly impact their Christian living in the Church. Who is right? How do we know who can we trust? Unfortunately, it is not possible to return to the first century church to witness the debate for ourselves. But thankfully we still have Paul's rebuke of his opponents. If we can believe Paul's side of the story, then we can trust Paul's interpretation of Jesus. And just as how Paul defeated his opponents in the first century church, we rely on him to defeat his modern day opponents. We uphold his version of Jesus' significance against all other interpretations today. If we can trust Paul, then we have a formidable witness against doubters of the claims of Christianity.

What are some of the thoughts of some members of the Corinthian Church? They thought that by conversion to Christianity they are now on a new plane of life. They felt that they could do anything, they are like kings, they are superior to the unconverted men around them. How is this possible? This is because they believe that the kingdom of God has already come. They are victorious already. Therefore, they believe that the spiritual gifts that they have is for them to show off how special they are. Jesus is only a tool for them to attain all these special gifts and elevated status. They can claim the promises of Jesus and live like they are in heaven already. It is a form of religious self-satisfaction.

Now, it would be wrong to say that there are no truth in what these people are thinking. Certainly we all believe that conversion to Christianity means that we enter into God's eternal kingdom. Certainly it is true that we are given new life. And to live this new life, we are given the power of the Spirit. We feel liberated from the law and sin. We inherit the status of the child of God, it is an honored king-like status. On one level, it does seem like these new teachers of the Corinthian Church are right. However, they missed out one key ingredient to all these. And that is God eternal kingdom is only fully realised with Jesus' second coming. We know that Jesus is already victorious over death and evil, but for us who are waiting for the second coming, it has not yet fully arrived for us.

Today, it seems pointless to debate with these Corinthian false teachers on the point that it is not yet the end of times. After all, the church has waited for almost two thousand years. Based on hindsight, we know with almost absolute certainty that their thinking that the kingdom of heaven has fully come in their time is wrong. For if they are right, why then are we still waiting today? But it is not immediately obvious to the first century Church, some of whom believed that Jesus will come again in their lifetime, and hence they are living in heaven already. For that, in accuracy in theology, Paul has it right, even though he doesn't have the hindsight of two thousand years like us. For that, in truthfulness in the real significance of Jesus, Paul has already score one over his then opponents in Corinth.

But this is more than just a nitty-gritty detail in theology, because the proper understanding of the significance of Jesus has a direct implication on our Christian living. Because of the wrong understanding of the Corinthian Christians, they thought that they are totally free to do anything since they are already safe in heaven. In a society where knowledge is supreme, they thought that their knowledge is their salvation. And since they are the privileged ones to be saved, they get to show off their privileged status by showing off their spiritual gifts. Paul is furious about their immorality and their selfish use of their gifts. And the only way to slave the problem is to confront them with correct theology. Many of the problem will be solved in future sermons as we explore the later half of the epistle, but first Paul puts forth a strong counter argument against their false understanding of Christ. There is something missing in their understanding of Jesus, and that is the Theology of the Cross.

The Corinthians see Jesus like a tool to be used to arrive at a higher status in life. Jesus makes them powerful and free. But Jesus is more than just signs and wonders. Jesus is also about a life that is driven towards the sacrifice on the Cross. And Paul understands this. You cannot have the victory without the sacrifice. You cannot have the eternal life without the righteous living. You cannot have the power without the heart to serve. And you cannot have the knowledge without the mission to love. This is the theology of the cross. As followers of Jesus, we cannot overtake the master. We are called to love and to serve. We are called to live well and to live for a good cause. And this is what the church must continuously do until the second coming. It is only with the second coming that all is being fulfilled. Until then, we do not have the right to live as if we are already in heaven. Not yet.

So Jesus is more than just an instrument, a tool that we use to get what we want. Jesus is a life that we imitate for he reveals to us the true way as a child of God. He shows us what it means to live this life in full obedience to God, the way it should be when man have a proper relationship with God. This is why his life is a fulfillment of all that is written. His life is a fulfillment of the law and the prophets. Paul states it clearly that this is the life that Paul and Apollos live as well. And he will continue to display this life through the physical model of Timothy living among them. Timothy will remind them of the patterns of life which Paul live in Jesus Christ. This is the true understanding of the significance of Jesus Christ. He is not someone to be used for the gains of man, he is the life to be lived.

With a correct understanding of Jesus, the implication for Christian living is direct as well. If this life is one of obedience and grace, living by full dependence on God, then how can there be boasting? Paul states it clearly. Let no one be inflated against another. Can another Christian claim to be superior to another Christian? No! Are we more righteous? No! Are we more gifted? Are we more important than another member or another ministry? No! Why? Because all that we have, we received from God. Even our good works in ministry or good living or good relationships are simply by the grace of God. And if all is by grace, let us live like we are in grace and we live graciously. If all that we have we received, we cannot hoard them as if it belongs to us. We use our gifts for the welfare of the community. After all, we are all on the same lifeboat to the island of paradise.

The Corinthians thought that their gifts and their knowledge made them special. They thought that their relationship with Paul or with Apollos made them outstanding. Paul uses the example of the Apostles to show them what is “special” and “outstanding”. Needless to say he is using extreme irony to knock some senses into their pride and pompous attitude. He is not do this to shame them, but to warn them so that they do not go down the wrong path. If they only care about the benefits of Jesus, but fail to capture the true essence of living like Jesus, they are not true followers of Christ.

Paul says you are “strong, wise and honored”. But the apostles are fools, weak and disgraced. They go hungry and thirsty and poorly clothed; they are roughly treated and have no fixed place to stay. They toil until they are weary, laboring with their own hands. They are abused, persecuted and slandered. Up to this moment they have become, as it were, the world’s scum, the scrapings from everybody’s shoes. In case you have failed to catch the dramatic emphasis of Paul, think of the most disgusting thing you can imagine. The snot, the spit or the bird-shit. That's Paul. The point is plain and simple, but it is sad that throughout church history it is repeatedly forgotten when Christian lived in good times. The point is that Christianity can never be just about the success and glory. Because if that is so, then the lives of the apostles is the exact rebuttal. None of the apostles including Paul himself “come to a good end.” They were seldom rich and prosperous, whether it is financially or in healthy. Even Timothy too.

Paul's understanding of the theology of the cross is more than just a rebuttal of the Corinthian Christians. It is also a sharp rebuke of any other form of prosperity gospel or success theology. Yes, there is a divine exchange of Jesus' sacrifice for the new life that we receive. But this divine exchange only comes into complete fulfillment in Jesus' second coming. The lives of the apostles is a stark naked truth of the reality that we are not in heaven yet. Not yet. There is nothing that we can claim with absolute certainty on earth, unless it is its fulfillment in eternity. Paul is not using his life or the example of Apollos to shame these people who preach such nonsense. But it is a stern warning.

Paul's life is not only a rebuttal of such deviants of Christianity but I feel it also makes a convincing argument of his modern day opponents. The modern day skeptics that thinks that Paul is distorting the truth about Jesus. Paul's life of pain and suffering is a true testimony that he is teaching what he is teaching because he believes in it. Else, why would he give up his past status as a honored Roman Pharisaic leader. Is he a fool? Only in the eyes of the world. He is embarking on the same road of sacrifice for the sake of God's people just as Jesus has done. We know that Paul knows that truth about Jesus because he lived in the truth and preached, suffered and died for the truth. To the non-believers of Paul, I have only this to say: I believe that Paul chose to live such a life because he had seen the resurrected Christ. I think to believe otherwise would take even more faith, but I can only believe the simplest explanation. Paul's life, like the sufferings of all other apostles, is a testimony to the truth about Jesus. Such a truth is worth a life of sacrifice, a life of waiting for Jesus' second coming. Because it is displayed so clearly in their lives, so that I believe, and that kind of life I will follow as well.

By holding on to the truth and proclaiming it, Paul has become a father to all who accept the gospel coming from him. It is the father that must bite the bullet and discipline when it is time to do so. The Presbyterians do not follow the same system as the Catholic Fathers. But we can imagine our senior pastor holding on to this fatherhood through his proclamation of the truth. Just as Paul sent Timothy to the Corinthians to remind them of this life of Jesus that Paul is living, we have the same father figure to imitate this life of sacrifice and obedience to the truth. This is not just empty talk but true living. I cannot imagine our senior pastor with a big stick on his hand. That is scary. Let us hope that when he comes to see our ministries, our cell groups, our family and personal lives, he comes with love and a gentle spirit.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


(哥林多前书 2:6-16)
2:6 然 而 在 完 全 的 人 中 , 我 们 也 讲 智 慧 。 但 不 是 这 世 上 的 智 慧 , 也 不 是 这 世 上 有 权 有 位 将 要 败 亡 之 人 的 智 慧 。 2:7 我 们 讲 的 , 乃 是 从 前 所 隐 藏 , 神 奥 秘 的 智 慧 , 就 是 神 在 万 世 以 前 预 定 使 我 们 得 荣 耀 的 。 2:8 这 智 慧 世 上 有 权 有 位 的 人 没 有 一 个 知 道 的 。 他 们 若 知 道 , 就 不 把 荣 耀 的 主 钉 在 十 字 架 上 了 。 2:9 如 经 上 所 记 , 神 为 爱 他 的 人 所 预 备 的 , 是 眼 睛 未 曾 看 见 , 耳 朵 未 曾 听 见 , 人 心 也 未 曾 想 到 的 。 2:10 只 有 神 借 着 圣 灵 向 我 们 显 明 了 。 因 为 圣 灵 参 透 万 事 , 就 是 神 深 奥 的 事 也 参 透 了 。 2:11 除 了 在 人 里 头 的 灵 , 谁 知 道 人 的 事 。 像 这 样 , 除 了 神 的 灵 , 也 没 有 人 知 道 神 的 事 。 2:12 我 们 所 领 受 的 , 并 不 是 世 上 的 灵 , 乃 是 从 神 来 的 灵 , 叫 我 们 能 知 道 神 开 恩 赐 给 我 们 的 事 。 2:13 并 且 我 们 讲 说 这 些 事 , 不 是 用 人 智 慧 所 指 教 的 言 语 , 乃 是 用 圣 灵 所 指 教 的 言 语 , 将 属 灵 的 话 , 解 释 属 灵 的 事 。 ( 或 作 将 属 灵 的 事 讲 与 属 灵 的 人 ) 2:14 然 而 属 血 气 的 人 不 领 会 神 圣 灵 的 事 , 反 倒 以 为 愚 拙 。 并 且 不 能 知 道 , 因 为 这 些 事 惟 有 属 灵 的 人 才 能 看 透 。 2:15 属 灵 的 人 能 看 透 万 事 , 却 没 有 一 人 能 看 透 了 他 。 2:16 谁 曾 知 道 主 的 心 去 教 导 他 呢 ? 但 我 们 是 有 基 督 的 心 了 。

因为我很喜欢读武侠小说,今天的经文立刻让我联想起《倚天屠龙记》里面的一段剧情。如果有对故事很熟悉的弟兄姐妹,请容许我一段时间描述剧情经过。女主角赵敏是一位蒙古公主。她因为要统治武林,所以带了一群高手到武当山,想要消灭武当派。掌门人张三丰被偷袭,身受重伤。其他弟子还没有回来。只好派徒孙,男主角张无忌,面对三大高手。张无忌没有学过武当武功,可是为了武当派的尊严,需要以武当派的武功退敌。还好,张三丰刚刚新创了一套武功,张三丰当场慢条斯理的演示,张无忌也就当场学。结果,张无忌就以这刚刚学的武功打败了西域少林两大高手,又以木剑打败,手持削铁如泥的倚天剑的另一位剑术好手。什么武功这么厉害?原来是张三丰新创的太极拳和太极剑。在这之前,武学是强调力量刚强,速度迅速,招式奇特,武器锋利。可是,太极武功却是以柔克刚,以静制动,无招胜有招,兵器是以己之钝,挡敌之无锋。所以,看起来虽然很慢,很柔,很松散,却打败了刚猛,迅速,精妙复杂的其他武功。太极武功从此就在武学上开辟了一个新天地。当然,这只是故事。不过,我觉得保罗在经文里面所要强调的智慧,就好比刚才的剧情一样惊天动地,简直就是匪夷所思。按照常理,打斗一定是要有力,有杀伤力的武器。想不到是那外表无力,形态颓废,从头到尾只是在画圆圈的武功胜出。同样的,罗马帝国强调军事力量,经济能力,而希腊社会注重炫耀知识,社会地位。就如现今的一般常理也是如此。没有想到,“1:27 神 却 拣 选 了 世 上 愚 拙 的 , 叫 有 智 慧 的 羞 愧 。 又 拣 选 了 世 上 软 弱 的 , 叫 那 强 壮 的 羞 愧 。”那看似愚拙的才是真正的智慧,那看似软弱的带有真正的力量。



神的智慧到底是什么?这是我们每个基督徒必须认真面对的问题。神的智慧特别是要给与那些属灵生命成熟的信徒,所谓完全的人。哥林多教会的信徒的问题是什么?他们相信福音吗?相信!他们有圣灵吗?有!可是,他们的生活,他们运用的属灵恩赐,全部还是以世界的智慧为准则。结党,炫耀能力,歧视软弱的,还有一些反次序反纪律的行为,哪一样不是为了自我利益,想要自我推销。这些都是罗马希腊社会提升自己的手段,这些都是那时候所谓的智慧。今天,我们的世界也许是提倡其他新的智慧,不过我个人观察,其实也没有什么不同。我在书局看到一本自助书叫Self -Inc。里面就是告诉你,你就是你所要推销的产品,而那本书就教你如何自我推销。既然我们现今的大环境和哥林多教会是相似的,我们更要注意保罗的警告。我们的生命是以神的智慧来活,还是以世界的智慧。这是我们每个人都要做的反省。
我们如何得到神的智慧呢?刚才已经提到,唯一的途径就是圣灵。在哥林多前书,保罗强调“2:1 弟 兄 们 , 从 前 我 到 你 们 那 里 去 , 并 没 有 用 高 言 大 智 对 你 们 宣 传 神 的 奥 秘 。 2:2 因 为 我 曾 定 了 主 意 , 在 你 们 中 间 不 知 道 别 的 , 只 知 道 耶 稣 基 督 , 并 他 钉 十 字 架。”所以,耶稣钉十字架是充分表明了神的智慧。耶稣钉十字架就是神的奥秘。对于世人,十字架是羞辱,是愚昧。但我们要好好的默想其中的智慧,用它来生活。

你生命里面影响你的智慧是什么?是从神而来,还是世界?比方说你怎么衡量国家的兴衰?也许一般人会用国内生产总值(gross domestic product)来衡量。所以,我们的部长薪金也和这个挂钩。国内生产总值反映国家的贫富,这固然重要。但如果我们有神的智慧,也就是我们明白神的心意,我们会用什么来衡量?也许是社会公义,我们会考虑到贫富悬殊的问题。也许神在乎的是一个国家增加了多少个幸福的家庭。也许是减少了堕胎的人数。也许是人民变得更有关怀,更有爱心。也许是减少犯罪,纷争,生活压力,等等。家庭也是一样。什么是你处理家庭生活的智慧?你是否盲目的追求物质生活、学术成绩、名利地位?现在很流行让孩子上个中进修课程。希望孩子能够是Superkid。神是检查内心的。也许做家长的应该看重的是孩子的品格。而这是没有速成班可以解决的。只有通过家长自己不断生命改变,家里有爱的展现。这才能真正造就一个充满爱的孩子。家长怎么对待人,怎么看世界,孩子也有样学样。最后,我们来思想我们的教会。我们是要追求最大,最成功的教会?事工最多人参加?如果,我们搞活动,如营会,交游,我们注重的是活动是否够大够气派?这是教会历史里面常常看到最大的问题:教会领袖好大喜功。我们要神辉煌的荣耀。我们不要神自我牺牲的十字架。神的智慧挑战讲究权势,讲究手段的世界,这也包括教会。我们是看中人数,还是我们是在乎人的生命?


Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Being of Christian Unity

Sermon on 1 Corinthians 1:1-9

Peace to you brothers, sisters and friends. Today, I will start off the series on 1st Corinthians by covering the greetings and thanksgiving from the first nine verses. However, it is an important starting step to ask what is the purpose and occasion for Paul to be writing this letter to the Corinthian Church. The answer lies in 1:10.
10 I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought.

This is a letter of appeal from Paul to ask for Christian unity in the Church. It was with this purpose in mind that Paul addressed all their problems in the rest of the letter. There were problems in church conflict, moral discipline, theological issues and differences in worship practices. Therefore, my message today is to share on Paul‘s understanding of the identity of the church, and how that is important in laying a strong foundation in working towards Church unity.

However, as I was preparing for the message, and had finalized my three points from the passage, I remembered that I had already spoken about Christian unity more than two years ago. That was on a passage from John 17. Since then 2 years have passed. Has anything really changed? This is a critical moment of reflection. We can talk endlessly about the importance of unity. We can say why we need to be united, and how we can be united. But unless we truly believe in this unity and we are willing to put in genuine effort in enabling it to happen, it will just be empty words. I can give a beautiful sermon with my nicely prepared three points, but unless we are committed to making real sacrifices in time, financial resources and painful transformations in our character, this sermon and your time this Sunday will be yet another forgotten chapter in your life. Two years down the road, we will meet again and talk about the same matters with nothing really changed.

There is an interesting anecdote that I like very much: The story begins with an announcement that “our church was saddened to learn this week of the death of one of our most valued members. The name is Someone Else. (Qi Ta Ren) Someone Else's passing creates a vacancy that will be difficult to fill. Someone Else has been with us for many years and for every single one of those years, Someone Else did far more than a normal person's share of the work.
Whenever there was a job to do, a class to teach, or a meeting to attend, one name was on everyone's list, "Let Someone Else do it." Whenever leadership was mentioned, this wonderful person was looked to for inspiration as well as results; "Someone Else can work with that group."
It was common knowledge that Someone Else was among the most generous givers in our church. Whenever there was a financial need, everyone just assumed Someone Else would make up the difference. Someone Else was a wonderful person; sometimes appearing superhuman. Were the truth known, everybody expected too much of Someone Else. Now Someone Else is gone! We wonder what we are going to do.
Someone Else left a wonderful example to follow, but who is going to follow it? Who is going to do the things Someone Else did? When you are asked to help this year, remember -- we can't depend on Someone Else anymore.”

Brothers and sisters, the same goes for effort and work in Church unity. There is no Someone Else. Is church unity something that you believe in? Is it something that you truly desire? If you do then you have to play your part. It is not the job of Someone Else. Church unity is not just an ideal, it is not a dream that is to be accomplished by others. Church unity is a reality that we embrace by faith, visualize with hope and materialize in love. Unity occurs when everybody attends the same Church service regardless of the age differences. Unity occurs when everybody rejoices in the success and mourns for the troubles of a ministry, no matter how large or small its size. Unity occurs when we put aside our social status to serve one another, be it in prayer, parking, teaching, providing food or even to give a warm greeting to someone unfamiliar and sitting alone.

Hence it is important for us today to do this personal reflection even before we hear what Paul has to share today, because we need to see that Church unity is what we believe in and it is what we are willing to work towards. Let no man think today that Church unity is just a nice unattainable ideal, or is the work of Someone Else. Amen? There are two elements to Church unity that we must all understand. It is an existence of both Act and Being. The Being of Church unity describes why the Church is one. The Act of Church unity describes how the Church is one. You cannot have the Act without the Being, because there is no basis, and hence all actions will be meaningless. But you cannot have the Being without the Act, because without the Act, the Being is only true in namesake, but never manifested. Let’s take the concept of a husband for example. The Being of a husband lies in the marriage. You can do all the tasks of a husband, but all that can never make you truly the husband unless you are married to the woman. Similarly, if you are married but you never perform any Acts of the husband, the reality of the husband is never realized despite your identity is so.

The Act of Christian unity is described in detail for the rest of the 1st Corinthian epistle. Paul settles all the differences and conflicts and shows them theologically how to bring about Christian unity. But first, we have to grasp the Being of Christian unity, for it is the basis of why we can claim to have Christian unity. Paul starts the letter with the typical greetings and thanksgiving. He addresses the Church and states what he can thank God for in the Church. But carefully embedded inside, is what Paul thinks is the identity of the Church. It is the Being of Christian unity.

1st Corinthians 1:1-9
1 Paul, called to be an apostle of Christ Jesus through the will of God, and our Christian brother Sosthenes,
2 To the church of God which is in Corinth, to those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be holy people, together with all who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ in every place, both their Lord and ours:
3 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
4 I give thanks to my God always for you on the ground of God’s grace given to you in Christ Jesus,
5 because in every respect you were enriched in Christ, in every kind of speaking and in all kinds of knowledge--
6 as the witness to Christ was confirmed among you,
7 so that you fall short in no gift, while you wait for the public revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ.
8 He will keep you firm to the end, free of any charge, on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
9 Faithful is God, through whom you were called into communal participation in the sonship of Jesus Christ our Lord.

What does it mean to be a Church? What is its essence? There are many interpretations depending on your traditions and point of view. What Paul wants to highlight in his greeting and thanksgiving are three key elements of a Church that makes Christian unity an absolute necessity. These three elements form the Being of Christian unity such that our acts of Christian unity are never meaningless or in vain. These three elements are: called to Christ, enriched in Christ and waiting for Christ. Obviously, all three elements are about Christ because Christian unity rests on Christ alone. This is so fundamental to Paul that he excitedly mentions Christ nine times in the opening nine verses. It is because of Christ that we are united; it is through Christ that we are united; and it is for Christ that we are united. Christ is the origin, the sustainer and the hope of Christian unity. It is hence essential that these three elements form the Being of Christian unity. Let us study these three elements in depth.

Point 1: Called to Christ
Paul states that he is called to be an apostle of Christ Jesus. The Corinthian Christians, just like the rest of the Christians everywhere, are called to be holy people. The Christian life begins with this calling. What is calling? To be called is to have a divine vocation. To be called carries the significant implication of being set apart by God. Paul states that Christians are sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be holy people. Both sanctification and holiness carry the same implication, which is to be set apart. Being set apart does not mean that Christians are very special or unique such that God chose them because of their qualities. You will find that Christians are often people with average qualities and even holy items, such as the Church building or even the Communion elements are not inherently more expensive or have supernatural powers. Being set apart simply means that things or people are now no longer in common use, but now in Godly use.

For example, you can set apart one specific chair at your dining table for the eldest member of the family. It doesn’t mean that the chair needs to have any special quality or for it to mean that from now on it is the best chair. The chair is only different because it is called out by you, and it is meant only for serving the eldest member of the family. Similarly, the Sabbath is set apart for the Lord, and it is different because of the Lord, not because it is intrinsically different from other days of the week. The same with your offering and any other things set apart for their divine calling. Hence, there is an important concept we must grasp about our Christian calling. Our Christian calling is received, not achieved. It is only in existence and meaningful because of Christ. This is our basic common ground, our common beginning.

Before we talk about our calling as Christians, I want to speak about Paul’s calling as an apostle. Why did Paul mention his calling as an apostle in his greeting? Is it to drum up his unique status and hence assume authority over the Corinthian Church? The Christians there have no choice but to submit to his title and his commands? No. The reason Paul states his calling as an apostle, is to point away from his own personal wishes or self-agenda in this task that he has been entrusted with. It is like a person who is assigned to be the internal auditor of a company. That person must act outside of his own interest from now on, and commit himself in undertaking the task of the role he is given. Similarly, Paul’s call to apostleship carries with it a dimension of necessity or compulsion. He has to perform his role in teaching and correcting the Corinthians for that is the will of God. Being an apostle means that he must forever be the living witness of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Paul’s reminder of his personal calling therefore has a strong impact on understanding our general calling as Christians. We are sanctified, and called to be a holy people. Because it is the call of God, we have the same level of necessity and compulsion as Paul to live up to our calling. This call to be a holy people echoes the call of Abraham and the nation of Israel. It is God once again creating salvation history. We are called to Christ. We are a holy sanctified people because of Christ. It is because of grace and peace from Christ. It is grace because Jesus was given freely to us. It is peace because Jesus has become our peace between God and us, and between Gentiles and the Jews, and between all of us who are children of God. What are we set apart for? We are called to form an assembly that will call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We who belong to this group of chosen people, are all characterized by this vocation to call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. To call on the name of the Lord means to commit oneself in trust to the name we call, Jesus Christ. We are set apart to be fully dependent on Jesus Christ. This is our calling: that Jesus is our Lord. We must be united in this, for we all call to the same Lord. This is the first element of the Being of Christian unity: we are all called to Christ.

Point 2: Enriched in Christ
The second element of the Being of Christian unity is that we are all enriched in Christ. It is not just that we all have a common starting point. Our present daily living as a Christian community is fully dependent on Christ. Paul states that the Corinthian Church is enriched in Christ. The first thing that we must take note is that this enriching is because of God’s grace. Once again, this is a clear indication to us that it is not because of our personal attributes but solely because of God’s own will. It is because of what God wants to do, and that which must be completed through Christ in us.

The second thing is that this enrichment is manifested through every kind of speaking and all kinds of knowledge. Here, we mean both spiritual tongues and prophecy and also in teaching and preaching. The key here lies in what is being communicated during worship and in the community. This relates to their Christian experience. Paul tells them that they fall short in no gift, meaning that in every part of their Christian experience, they can feel this enrichment as it is manifested.

The third thing is that this enrichment is for the witness to Christ. Here in the thanksgiving, Paul testifies that their witness to Christ is confirmed. In what sense is it confirmed? This would mean that the gospel continues to spread within the Christian community and it continues to grow and develop. This confirmation from Paul signifies that the enriching from God has enabled them to testify in truth and with real effectiveness. Christ is the focus of witness, and God brings home the truth of their witness as their Christian experience develops in speaking and knowledge, and as their lives are changed.

So we know from the thanksgiving of Paul to God about the Corinthian Church that the Church is enriched in Christ. It is out of God’s grace. It is manifested in speaking and knowledge. It is for the witness to Christ so that the community continues to grow. But what is this enrichment? What is it to be enriched in Christ? It means to be given Christ himself. It means to be filled with Christ. It means to have as it states in verse nine “communal participation in the sonship of Jesus Christ our Lord.” The common translation in verse nine is often “fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.” But fellowship is often wrongly construed as having a social relationship. Like Jesus and us are good buddies. It is much more than that. It is not simply or primarily the experience of being together as Christians, but the reality of being-in-Christ and of being shareholders in a sonship derived from the sonship of Christ.

A simple analogy would be that of a helium balloon. It is not the material of the balloon that causes it to rise. It is not the color, nor the shape nor any external factor. It is the helium inside. Christ in us is like the helium in the balloon that causes it to rise. He is given to enrich us purely by the grace of God. We experience him in our community through speaking and knowledge. And that is what we can witness for the community to grow. Just like the helium in a balloon, Christ in us is what gives our Christian identity our true essence. When we relate with one another in the community, it is the Christ in us that we can offer to one another. And when we see others in our community, it is Christ that we must identify.

In the classic book Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, he states it clearly, “The prisoner, the sick person, the Christian in exile sees in the companionship of a fellow Christian a physical sign of the gracious presence of the triune God. Visitor and visited in loneliness recognize in each other the Christ who is present in the body; they receive and meet each other as one meets the Lord, in reverence, humility and joy.”

In another passage, “God has willed that we should seek and find His living Word in the witness of a brother, in the mouth of man. Therefore, the Christian needs another Christian who speaks God’s Word to him. He needs him again and again when he becomes uncertain and discouraged, for by himself he cannot help himself without belying the truth. He needs his brother as a bearer and proclaimer of the divine word of salvation. He needs his brother solely because of Jesus Christ. The Christ in his own heart is weaker than the Christ in the word of his brother; his own heart is uncertain, his brother’s is sure.” So you see, the enrichment in Christ is manifested in speaking and knowledge.

What has this got to do with unity? I have heard of this statement “In Church, do not look at other people, or you will be disappointed. Only look at God.” Today I say this: if you do not look at your brothers and sisters, how would you see God? Together with Paul, I give my thanks, for he has enriched us in Christ, to experience him in our Church through one another as one. So, the first element of the Being of Christian unity is our called to Christ, the second is being enriched in Christ.

Point 3: Waiting for Christ
The third element of the Being of Christian unity is our waiting for Christ. This I think is very clear, though often forgotten. It points towards our common future. And it lies in Christ. He has risen, and he will come again. There is an analogy that I like very much, and it is the lifeboat analogy. Someone may have been saved (past) decisively from a sinking ship; but as the lifeboat brings him or her through choppy, uncomfortable seas (present), the final safe landing on the solid shore lies still ahead (future). Celebration comes then. Yes, we know that we have decisively entered into salvation when we are enriched in Christ. But this is not the whole story. We need also the realization that we are all awaiting the eventual reunion in eternity.

When Christ comes again, it is when we will forever be together. That is already sealed in eternity. That is also the time that we will all face judgement together. And both the happy reunion and the solemn judgement of our earthly actions should have a dramatic effect on how we view our living together today. For starters, we should know that there will never be such a thing as forever enemies. That will also mean that all petty differences becomes insignificant in light of God great act of forgiveness in eternity.

But the most important significance of all is that we once again realize from our calling, and our enrichment that we the people of God, the Church, were never meant to exist for its own sake. The Church and our life today is for the greater reality in eternity. We the Church exist for the heavenly kingdom in eternity. That is the final element of the Being of Christian unity. We have a common purpose to live for a common future. For that, Paul gives thanks to God, as we all must do. We are meant to be united as one, and God will keep us so till the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.

To conclude, let us truly understand the Being of our Christian unity. We are all called to Christ. That is our common origin, and forces us to admit that we all have Christ as our Lord. We are enriched in Christ. We are given Christ so that we depend on one another to experience Christ in our lives, and for the Church to grow. We are all waiting for Christ. That is our common future sealed in eternity. But to round up from what is reminded from the very beginning. It is one thing to know that we are meant to be united as one. But it takes more than just knowing. To believe is to work towards it and to live it. Let us take every effort in bringing about our Christian unity knowing that it had all been accomplished in Christ.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Back from HK Vacation III

Fri: Determined to get a better breakfast, this time we set out for a real Char Chan Ting. We went to this place directly opposite Langham Place called Chan Kei 陈记. I ate oatmeal for the first time in many years because we didn't know that is oatmeal in Cantonese. All the rest of the stuff taste like what you can get in Singapore. Ham steak is Luncheon meat.

Then we took a cab to Ocean Park while some of the ladies went shopping in Prada outlet shops. It was a long taxi trip, plus a long cable car trip. I thought surely that we cannot get to see the dolphin show. (side note: the last time I went to see the animal show in Singapore Zoo, I was 20min early. Guess what? Only standing space available) This one, we arrived on the dot, and there is still lots of ample space. Why? Hong Kong has LOTS of room for their shows (Disney or Ocean park). Singapore has only 10% of its sitting capacity.

After the show we broke into 2 groups. I brought the oldest girl along for the more exciting rides while the rest headed for the sea world. The review from the rest was that the sea world was really good. On my side, I tried the Eagle, Mine Train, Space Wheel. The latter 2 was fun. I had to miss the Dragon because the girl is below height limit :(

We ate lunch at Bayview Restaurant. Horrible food.

We then took the train (Ocean Express) back to the more kiddy side. We went to see the Pandas. Personally I enjoyed the air-con more than anything. Good life, these creatures. We then played some lame Funfair type games before heading back to the hotel.

We left the kids with some others and went shopping at the street stalls. This is what Mongkok is mainly famous for. I bought a couple of T-shirts at Ladies Street, but we didn't shop much as the place was much too crowded. It's not a pity for me as I'm never much of a shopper anyway.

Dinner was at Yung Kee. This is one of the top restaurants in Asia, expectations were naturally high. First off, the century egg is as good as its reputation. If you eat nothing else, you must at least try this. Secondly, a very important announcement: Avoid ordering too much. I didn't do any online research before going HK, but if I had, this would be the number 1 advice from all the online reviews of this restaurant. The waiter just keep prodding us to order, when clearly the food is WAY too much. Not only that, the portions are HUGE! In this way, the place is indeed a tourist trap. But other than that, I am already prepared to pay for what is expected to be an expensive meal: S$250 per family (2 adults 2 kids).
Goose: not bad but not as good as reputation. A well done duck would be comparable.
Roast pigeon: Good. But unexpectedly large. We ordered 3 when 2 is more than enough.
Roast pig and Charsiew: Good. But they should have combined this instead of serving this in 2 big plates.
Slice fish with Choisim: Good fish. HUGE plate.
Melon soup: Good. I knew this would be expensive (served out of a melon), but the waiter pushed this on us.
Toufu: ok. But what is the deal with 20-30 pieces of BIG toufu on a HUGE plate? We had only 8 adults (and 7 small kids).

After this, we took the bus to the peak. Highly recommended over the tram. Nice view along the way. The last time I was there it was 10+ years ago. I remember the peak is quite empty, with perhaps some shops. Now there are 2 huge shopping malls. The place feels commercialized and tacky. But the worse part is that it started to rain. So we hurried back to the bus interchange. We had hoped to ride a cab back, but none would take us (something about not going from HK island to Kowloon). So we took the bus back to Admiralty and take the MTR back to the hotel.

Sat: The next morning, we tried a dim sum breakfast at Guangzhou Garden at the Langham Place mall. Recommended for good food for decent prices. I especially like the Zhar Leong. We did some shopping in the mall before going to the airport.

Overall, it was a good and fun trip. For me, the highlight is still Disneyland. Since I've seen it all, I probably wouldn't be back anytime soon.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Back from HK Vacation II

Thurs: I went breakfast hunting so that wife and kids can sleep longer. I bought 2 breakfast sets from Dai Kah Lok which is basically the Chinese fast food of HK. My verdict is that the porridge is ok, the Cheong Fun horrible and the Carrot Cake very good. I later learn that you can choose to add on stuff to the set by paying only a little more.

We took the MTR to Disneyland so that we can try the Disney themed train. When we reached, the weather was HOT!!! The good thing about the heat is that the park was a lot emptier than all the scary stories I heard about overcrowding. On the other hand, the heat was truly unbearable.

Event verdicts:
1. Buzz lightyear ride - very fun
2. Car ride (Autopia) - boring
3. Raft to Tarzan place - boring
4. Winnie the Pooh - very fun and unusual
5. Small world - ok
6. Pictures with Princesses - fun for little kids
7. River boat ride - quite fun, fire was a little scary for kids
8. Lion King show - a MUST watch
9. Golden Mickey - well done mini musical
10. 4D animation - very entertaining
11. Teacups, Carousels, UFO zone and Dumbo - Quick and fun
12. Fireworks - a MUST watch, very professional
13. Giftshop - cheap and good stuff
14. Parade - entertaining
15. Lunch at Plaza Inn - Food (Dim Sum and typical Cantonese crusine) is above average. I enjoyed it. Pricing is ok imo for the place.

After Disneyland, we went to the buffet at Enchanted Garden at the Disneyland hotel for dinner and to celebrate birthday for one of the girls. The food is very good (a HUGE variety) though expected to be expensive. The main advantage of this dinner is that the Disney characters will come to each table for photograph sessions so we could skip them (and save time) when we were at Disneyland.

A VERY eventful day. Totally exhausted.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Back from HK Vacation I

I went on a trip to HK with 3 other young families from my cell group last week. 8 adults and 7 children. This is the story of how I survive the trip.

Wed: We woke up at 5am because we needed to reach the airport at 6am to check-in. Flight was at 8am. We were flying Cathay this time. Taxi driver we called didn't know where Commonwealth Ave West is. We get that sometimes. Some didn't know that it is near Clementi. They think it is Commonwealth, which is about 10 min away because of all the traffic lights. In the end, we took a cab by the road. (To wife: I told you so.)

Breakfast at Burger King. Bad. Why do they have to force 2 "sausages" on us?

Brunch on the plane. In-flight entertainment. Good. I think budget airlines is just not worth the savings.

We stayed at Langham Place, Mongkok. Many people asked me if the hotel was nice. My answer is simple. At S$300+ a night, what do you think? Hotel was very classy, very good. I have only one complaint: pillow was too soft and bed too soft. I used the squarish headrest as my pillow, and I tried to sleep on my back (after getting a backache for sleeping on my side).

We ate lunch at Chee Kei at the Langham Place Shopping Mall. With hindsight, this was my main regret of the trip. I ordered their soft bones and wonton noodles. Although it was decent, it wasn't great. Also the Kee taste of the noodles is rather strong. I regret that I should have ordered their crab porridge which was their signature dish. Based on online reviews, that is the good one. Darn.

Our first draft on first day was to visit Noah's ark. But in the end we decided to increase shopping time by visiting IFC. However, there was a slight delay as rooms were not ready. The one of the kids fell asleep. In the end we decided to head straight to Habour City. This place is HUGE! In the end, we just walked around a little and sat down for a drink. The truth is that traveling with a bunch of kids (some falling asleep and some needing discipline) really wears you down. If we had planned this a little better, we should have allocated more time for this, and less time for the uneventful programs later that night.

The night program is simple: Eat dinner at a nice restaurant at New World Centre. Visit the Avenue of stars, watch the Symphony of lights. Then return to hotel to use our vouchers for a drink at the Backyard bar.

Dinner plans were spoiled when we discovered upon arrival that New World Centre is closed. (It was closed on March 31, 2010 for demolition!) We ended up eating some bland Japanese food at Sogo.

Then we went over to the Avenue of Stars where a huge crowd has gathered.
1. It was too dark to enjoy anything about "Avenue of Stars".
2. The lights show was not spectacular at all.

Becoming bored quickly, we returned to the hotel for a drink at the Backyard bar. Drinks were alright, but the nachos took really long. We found out why. Instead of a simple Nachos with cheese, they had a complicated nachos with all kind of bits on top. It was tasty, but it felt more like a "nachos pizza", than a snack.

The first day is pretty uneventful. But it's the first day after all. We have time to make things better. ;)

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Song: It's my Job

I happen to come across this song in my sermon research. Such a good song to describe pastoral ministry. Note especially the chorus.

Sung By: Jimmy Buffett
Lyrics By: Mac McAnally
For Mac who reminds me of me seven years ago
In the middle of late last night I was sittin' on a curb
I didn't know what about, but I was feelin' quite disturbed
A street sweeper came whistlin' by, he was bouncin' every step
It seemed strange how good he felt, so I asked him while he swept

He said, "It's my job to be cleaning up this mess
And that's enough reason to go for me
It's my job to be better than the rest
And that makes a day for me."

I got an uncle who owns a bank, he's a self-made millionaire
He never had anyone to love, never had no one to care
He always seemed kinda sad to me and I asked him why that was
And he told me it's because in my contract there's this clause

That says, "It's my job to be worried half to death
And that's the thing people respect in me
It's my job but without it I'd be less
Than what I expect from me."

Now I've been lazy most all my life writin' songs and sleepin' late
And any manual labor I've done was purely by mistake
If street sweepers can smile then I've got no right to feel upset
But sometimes I still forget
'Til the lights go on and the stage is set
And the song hits home and you feel that sweat

It's my job to be different than the rest
And that's enough reason to go for me
It's my job to be better than the rest
And that's a rough break for me

It's my job to be cleaning up this mess
And that's enough reason to go for me
It's my job to be better than the rest
And that makes the day for me