Monday, July 19, 2010

Presbyterian Youth Musicians Fellowship 2010 (Part 2)

This is my second post since I designed the poster here. The event is finally over last Sat! It was generally well received.

1-1.30 Sharing by Rev Lee Kian Seng of True Way. He shared on what is True Worship. The sharing is doubtlessly very good and beneficial. It's a pity that half the participants came late.

1.30-2.30 We did an arrangement teaching session. We had presentations from 3 churches: True Way, Christian Grace and Bethany. The standards from the churches were already quite good. The teachers help to demonstrate how they would improve on the arrangement or fine-tune the techniques.

2.30-3.30 The participants were divided into Guitarists, Bassists and Drummers, Keyboardists and Pianists, and Vocalists and Worship Leaders Class. The general feedback is that the session is too short to improve the participants specifically and individually.

3.30-4.30 This is a planning stage where we gather everybody to brainstorm how all the Presbyterians can work together in worship. While we do have some ideas, everybody is reluctant to commit to any specific cause because they were either not authorized or not prepared or feel not good enough. While I understand the considerations, I was slightly disappointed that we have to leave the place empty-handed. Thankfully, we agreed to set up a Facebook group page to continue the discussion. Hopefully, things will bear fruit once everybody see the benefits of sharing and networking.

The objective on the poster is: To gather musicians from Presbyterian Youth Ministries for a time of sharing, playing, learning and relationship building. I think in that sense, we have accomplish that task.

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