Thursday, November 30, 2006

A minor update

Been busy with a new baby. Zechariah.

WoW5: Keeping things in Perspective

I am about to deliver a teaching that I feel passionately about. I am going in full of enthusiasm and hoping that it will be life-changing. In my mind, if it is not going to be impactful, why bother?

Then I remember the countless times where people sleep in my lessons. Those that didn't sleep, some showed no comprehension. Those that comprehended showed no excitement. Those that displayed enlightenment, forget about the lesson after a few days. Those that remembered forget them eventually. In short, how much impact can a teaching do anyway?

I came across a book called 100 speeches that changed the world. I've got to get hold of that book one day. But here is the sombering thought: those speakers probably gave a thousand speeches for one to be really life changing to anybody.

Nonetheless, we continue to do what we do anyway. Because for every teaching that makes a difference, it makes the thousand that didn't seemed worthwhile.

1 comment:

Latria said...

So I am never getting a standing ovation? Oh, thanks a lot. That just destroyed my entire purpose of teaching. :)

Note to self: remember to give Faith a standing ovation the next time she shares.