Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Platonic Christianity

WoW9: To get a right relationship with God, get a right relationship with the Church

"Political theory is not merely an adjunct to ethical theory; indeed, for Plato it was almost the other way around, since he believed that the good life is possible only in the good state. Here again Plato is poles apart from the Christian tradition, which, in emphasizing the individual's effort to get into a right relationship with God, has tended to stress solitariness and to regard what sociologists call "interpersonal relations" as a dangerous distraction. Plato, in contrast, held that only in and through these relations can the individual achieve his good." W.T. Jones, The Classical Mind

The author may not be right in assessing the truth about Christianity, but the accusation is certainly valid about its bias. Get a right relationship with your Church, more often than not, it will make for a more healthy relationship with God.

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