Tuesday, September 25, 2007

WoW19: We must accept an existence of solitude

If you look forward, you cannot see the images of the past. If you look backwards, you do not see a legacy to come. If you contemplate your insignificant existence in an infinite world, it forces you to drop tears.




Chinese poetry

I am into Chinese poetry lately because of the research into games for the mid-autumn festival programs. Which just goes to show that there is a lot of work into designing a game.

This is a classic and a truly touching line 王勃:


As long as you have true friends by your side, the far corners of the world will be like your neighbors.

Friday, September 21, 2007

WoW18: Positive nagging is to be loved and feared

I learned the art of Positive Nagging from my friend KY. Needless to say, it is something that all pastors must do. Just as my senior pastor nags about exegesis, I am a constant nag about cell group and righteous living. But positive nagging is to emphasize on the love and care that comes with the nagging. Strangely, a little tweak is all it takes to transform an irritating reminder into an empowering affirming encouragement. In whatever you do, do it with a little more love.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

WoW17: A people of power takes effort

Last night was a fun time of learning Mill and Comte. We are now dealing with the supreme experts in atheism. I like these guys and their ideas. No hatred, no contempt, just describing reality as they see it. And for most parts they are right, Christianity has not progressed intellectually.

Which is why I am extremely proud of my guys, they stuck it out with me despite their busy schedules in school. Given time, they will become giants. Just as how James Mill trained John Stuart Mill and how Henri de Saint-Simon influenced Auguste Comte, a people of power begins with our journey together this year to plow through the thickets of historical theology and philosophy.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

WoW16: Strength of message comes when you can combine vision with the heart

I was researching on mid-autumn festival programs. I come across some Chinese poetry. This one by Zhang Jiuling 张九龄 is especially striking.

Why is it so powerful? 海上生明月,天涯共此時.

Because it creates a powerful image that translates into a deep felt moment in the heart. Max Lucado has power like this too.

An expansive view of the moon on the horizon. A distant loved one sharing the same magical moment. Priceless.


Thursday, September 06, 2007

WoW15: There is a wealth of knowledge in all fields

You know the Chinese saying "every job has its top scholar"? It's very true. These weeks have been fun as we looked to install a playground for the church. It is only with research that we discover there is so much stuff into building a playground. Slides, rock-climbing, tunnels, obstacle courses can be integrated into great fun for children and youths.

Check out the two top playground equipment suppliers of Singapore:
1) www.ctart.com.sg which has much better product quality than any we have seen so far.
2) www.playpoint.com.sg which main strength lies in unique dexterity stuff.

They are the ones responsible for those installations in West Coast Park, which is the one of the best places for playgrounds here.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

WoW14: God is better than any alternative

Thanks to the lesson on Ludwig Feuerbach, famous for his "Anthropology as religion" philosophy, I am firmly convinced that the world needs "theology as religion". Why? Because there is just no better alternative. Feuerbach's atheistic arguments are the best I have come across so far, and I applaud his noble humanitarianism. But ultimately it is subjective and that is a reality that is sad but true. Mankind is just not that attractive. I would love to remove the "opium of the people", but the drastic fate of communism and capitalism is just plain evidence that a world without God is no alternative at all.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

One of the Blogs I visit: Mightygirl

This latest post is kind of what I tried to do here but much better.

I like this one best: "Don’t make assumptions, and don’t take things personally."

WoW13: When it comes to religious lay people, all religions are the same.

I have been reading this. It is a Buddhist book of fables. I have found that when it comes to understanding profound truths, all religions have the same problem. The general masses have difficulty understanding and appropriating wisdom.

The first fable is about this fool who went for a meal. He blamed the food for being tasteless so the host added some salt, and he found it tasty. He thought "the taste comes from the salt, if I add more, it will be even better". He shallowed a whole cup of salt, and upon realising his foolishness, spit them out. What is the moral of the story?


